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Gojo Satoru • 2 years ago

"dark blade covered in sinister designs" mfs b poetically gifted nd use it to say shit like this šŸ˜­

Xyrus • 2 years ago

gonna be real, this dude is such a loser but his words contain an infinite wisdoms lol

YourDeath • 2 years ago


jek irado • 9 months ago


Harsh Gehlot • 2 years ago

I just want say only one thing Like Father Like Son

Isshin Ashina • 2 years ago

Ooh, Iā€™ve just realised heā€™s literally a pedophile. Wow.

Gojo Satoru • 2 years ago

i personally wouldnt approach or get romantically involved with other kids if i was reincarnated as a kid wit my past life memories but he's technically not a pedo bc he's a kid basically , he js has his past life memories or whatever . actually what gets reincarnated when you die in an isekai ??? your memories ? your soul ?

Isshin Ashina • 2 years ago

Yeah but inside heā€™s still a grown man.

Gojo Satoru • 2 years ago

what exactly is "inside"?

Isshin Ashina • 2 years ago

Well, inside him, basically his consciousness is that of a fully grown man, so however I look at it, heā€™s still a pedophile.

Xyrus • 2 years ago

Gojo Satoru already stated that did he reincarnated with only his memories or it's him as whole? u see the MC had the hormones of a kid, he well aware that her mother is hot af but he didn't get turn on by her even when sucking those n*pples, i think he had the same thing to others, altho he aware that grown women are better, he still had a thing to people that had the same age as him, becuz he is a kid, he had the hormones of a kid and the same way as how kids handle their emotion

Isshin Ashina • 2 years ago

This theory definitely makes a lot more sense than all the arguments that can be easily rebutted with simple morality, such as ā€˜well his mental age is young because he was a hikkikomoriā€™ and ā€˜on the outside heā€™s a kid so itā€™s OKā€™. Unlike those, your explanation actually makes a decent point. Itā€™s a shame I didnā€™t see this when it was posted. I think my mind concerning this may actually be a little changed with that in mind. Thanks, youā€™ve changed the way I look at protagonists like these.

Beanjo • 2 years ago

Although not in a way to excuse him but his character clearly shows that the trauma he experienced from a young age blocked his mental age from progressing in a lot of aspects.

there's a theory that states that his mental age slowly reverts to the age he was reincarnated in but yes he is very much a pedo

Sprayquaza • 2 years ago

That would apply to normal people yes but he stopped interacting to the world and people as a whole at the age of 16 or 17 so his mental growth stopped at that point (due to his hikkikomori nature and past trauma) ..... you could say he is a 17 year old in a 37 year olds body

Isshin Ashina • 2 years ago

So if he was doing this exact thing back in his first life, but his victims are 16-17 years old instead of kids, it would be OK? Of course not.

Sprayquaza • 2 years ago

Well he is flawed i know but thats what makes him a person not a kirito kun

NINJABOI1232 • 2 years ago

Mah dik

SarenAreth • 2 years ago

It's a transfer of the state of your brain, which includes memories and consciousness. "Soul" isn't a thing, it's merely an ancient term to describe those things by people who didn't know how the brain worked.

But if you go in-depth then it's impossible anyway to transfer the state of mind of an adult to a kid, because a kid brain lacks the necessary structures for the mental capabilities of an adult. Until like 2 years old babies don't even have self-awareness, and young kids aren't even capable of basic logic, because the brain isn't complete yet. But that's why it's a fantasy anime ;) because it discards science and reason.

As for whether he's a pedo, well imo the physical is more important (as technically the mental is also physical), so no I don't think so. But it certainly is questionable. I wouldn't let a 34 year old man in a 5 year old body near my daughter, cuz he got an unfair mental headstart, big chance he's gonna abuse it.

LowJack187 • 5 days ago

I kicked that neighbor kids ass because he was talkin smack at 2 years old. Never miss the chance to assert your dominance!

C U N T • 2 years ago

I like how you had to point out that you wont get romantic with kids if it was you, like anybody asked, pretty sus if you ask me.

Gojo Satoru • 2 years ago

i said dat bc ik if i defended the nigga in the show sb would call me a pedo for defending him . bc if we use the logic that hes a pedo that means takemitchy nd the nigga frm erased are also pedos

BobTheDragon • 2 years ago

I think it's just a matter of biology tbh, the age where u hit puberty and are usually attracted to people the same age as you. It's also not rare to find older people attractive at a pretty young age. Speaking from my own experiences too. I remember I was sexually attracted to someone the same age as me when I was 12 years old, but now I don't see them in such a way when I look back. He still has his memories but his sexual drive should be biologically different, along with his behaviour, thinking... literally everything.

Silverstain • 1 year ago

I think there is one small issue. When you would go into puberty you would most likely be attracted to people your age even if you werent before.

K1llsh0t_87 • 1 year ago

I mean his biology could play a part in making him attracted to people closer to his age and due to his otakuness he has prob been attracted to the idea of a female childhood friend that he gets together with for years so to me it seems like he is more into the idea than he is actually into the person

James Murphy • 2 years ago

He technically lacks the ability to get turned on right now :P So technically he can't be called a pedo yet. Give it couple years tough.

Trashcan • 2 years ago

Damn man you understand what other people cant

Trypo Eren • 2 years ago

Are you even watching the same show we are šŸ˜‚

Isshin Ashina • 2 years ago

I wonder.

Mr. Pfft • 2 years ago

Pedo's are not that rare in Isekai and Fantasy genres.

Matt Davidson • 2 years ago

He's not though. He hasn't expressed any interest in sexualizing children. He has been very pervy with grown women.

Xoxdid • 2 years ago

Actually, I was a little turned off when his previous life parents kicked him out and the gang dude look sickened at what he saw in te computer...but maybe it's just me

Isshin Ashina • 2 years ago


Troll • 2 years ago

This mc makes me cringe so much '='

Aiwaho • 10 months ago

You guys aren't making any logical sense at all. They are same physical age range. There are no pesos here.

LowJack187 • 5 days ago

Nobody wants your pesos, take your ass back to Mexico.

Aiwaho • 3 days ago

Wtf are you talking about?

恕ćØ恆šŸ¬ • 11 months ago

No wonder why you're single

Isshin Ashina • 10 months ago

Guess thereā€™s nothing stopping me from calling you single too even when like you I wouldnā€™t know that. So, no wonder why youā€™re single

Troll • 2 years ago

I cant help but cringe at all his awkwards lustful moments...

010 • 2 years ago

not a pedo but a lolicon

Liamsi Nahk • 2 years ago

arent they basically the same thing.

they are

010 • 2 years ago

not really, a lolicon can have pedophilic tendencies but usually they are only attracted to the animations, while actual pedophiles could prob not get off on some 2d crap and constantly seek out the real thing, this guy is probably a lolicon with some pedophilic tendencies

Mugen • 1 year ago

Is this actually a thing?

There's a lot women with lolicon bodies but finding them attractive doesn't make you a pedophile -- most people find them attractive.

Pedophilia takes into account their actual ages both mentally and physically.

Lumping them under the same umbrella seems like an extreme oversimplification.

blanka- • 2 years ago

So here's my two cents anony ni***. Suppose you get reincarnated in another world but you had your consciousness from previous world intact. you were born, raised and sent to school, had friends. you like a girl from your class that is cute and smart, that likes you too. what are you supposed to do? reject her and hit on the female teachers? cause you were 32 yo in previous world? Ya just sensitive af
even in real world, there are some kids who think like an adult. Search the term "old soul" Does that mean they are adult inside and literally a pedo in a child's body? I bet you are a child in adult's body and cannot comprehend the scenario.

Isshin Ashina • 2 years ago

Lmao normal adults wouldnā€™t look lecherously at children whether they were physically a child or not, I donā€™t care if heā€™s in the body of a child, what matters is heā€™s mentally an adult and heā€™s going after kids. Thatā€™s honestly quite disgusting.

Anyway, whatā€™s even the point in arguing about this? What are all your insults for? Itā€™s fucking fiction!

Kelspeth • 2 years ago

Yo this man is wrong for not recognizing Sylph is a GIRL'S NAME !!

William Moriarty • 2 years ago

bro he probably japanese and the world he we reborn in HAD A TOTALLY DIFF LANGUAGE AND NAMES so yeah can't blame him

Brandon Swerdlow • 2 years ago

i mean I don't really blame him, even I sometimes confuse characters genders in anime, and not just freeza either. Gender in anime can sometimes be ambiguous, which causes it to be confusing at times.